Shpola is a “special-needs” orphanage struggling to meet life’s challenges. However, with 150 children to house and educate the demand is greater than provided funds. The buildings are crumbling and constantly in need of repair. There is currently no hot water system. Life is cold and hard at Shpola. Most children have been abandoned and do not have hopes or dreams.
Click on an amount below. The recipient you specify will be notified by receiving a beautiful handmade card in the mail, with original artwork by a child living at Shpola Orphanage.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.
James 1:17
2090 Dunwoody Club Drive, Suite 106-123, Atlanta, GA 30350
Tel: 404-643-3162 - Email: Cyndee@hopenowusa.org - Web: www.kompaspark.org
Hope Now Ministries is a 501(c)(3) organization registered in Texas, Federal Tax ID# 75-2067420